Results for 'Rosamaria Gomes Rodrigues'

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  1.  47
    Using ontologies for eLearning personalization.Paulo Gomes, Bruno Antunes, Luis Rodrigues, Arnaldo Santos, Jacinto Barbeira & Rafael Carvalho - 2008 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 41 (1):127.
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    Ideais religiosos e expectativas (des)encantadas: uma análise dos ideais missionários da congregação redentorista bávara no Brasil.Robson Rodrigues Gomes Filho - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (1):581-600.
    A fundação da missão redentorista alemã no Brasil, em 1894, representou para os missionários bávaros uma possibilidade pessoal de realização plena daquilo que entendiam como sua vocação, qual seja, a salvação das “almas abandonadas” através do sacrifício pessoal. Todavia, a alteridade entre o que se espera e o que se encontra levou essas expectativas idealizadas ora ao desencantamento, ora ao reencantamento e reelaboração, o que impactou não somente nas expectativas e ações religiosas individuais, mas igualmente no modo como tais sujeitos (...)
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  3. Criminalidade organizada E justiça penal negociada: Delação premiada.Luiz Flávio Gomes & Marcelo Rodrigues da Silva - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (1).
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  4. A Filosofia da Ciência em Augusto Comte: desvencilhando o pensamento comteano de mal-entendidos históricos.Denis Paulo Goldfarb, Domingos Gomes Rodrigues, Onofre Crossi Filho & Rita De Cássia Foelker - 2012 - Revista Inquietude 3 (2):32-55.
    The intention of the present paper is to resettle the importance of the Comte’s thought to the philosophy of science. To do so, we discard certain prejudices about positivism and reassess certain comtean’s concepts, such as the three states law, the science’s classification and the role of hypotheses in order to restore its relevance in the background of the history of the philosophy.
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    Do santuário de Trindade ao jornal “Santuário da Trindade”: Reflexões sobre as mudanças de posicionamento religioso dos primeiros Redentoristas alemães em Goiás ( From “Santuário da Trindade” to “Santuário da Trindade” Journal. Considerations on the ch).Robson Rodrigues Gomes Filho - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (23):897-915.
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 A vinda da Ordem Redentorista para o estado de Goiás, em 1894, revela um contexto político, econômico e religioso peculiar vivido pelo estado, em que, com o fim do regime de padroado, o controle das romarias populares, tanto quanto das manifestações religiosas não-católicas, foram de fundamental importância para a manutenção da hegemonia católica local. O papel desempenhado pelos redentoristas em Goiás, tanto no controle da romaria de Trindade, quanto no combate às religiões e (...)
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    Comunidade e biblioteca pública.Amanda Gomes Bezerra Calheiros & Marcos Aparecido Rodrigues do Prado - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9 (2):199-222.
    A função social da biblioteca pública está estreitamente vinculada a um determinado espaço geográfico para desenvolver ações que integrem demandas de informação, educação e cultura na comunidade. Essa noção fundamental outorga o rol de atributos operacionais das competências políticas legitimadas em processos históricos para essas instituições. Com o objetivo de analisar o contexto teórico qualificado ao sentido de comunidade é que o presente artigo estabeleceu uma reflexão sobre o papel social da biblioteca pública na contemporaneidade. Metodologicamente foi realizada uma pesquisa (...)
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    Desinformação, verdade e pós-verdade.Mariana Rodrigues Gomes de Mello & Daniel Martínez-Ávila - 2021 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 7 (2):108-127.
    A partir do conceito de verdade no decurso da Teoria do Conhecimento, do contexto da pós-verdade e das reflexões de Piaget sobre o desenvolvimento cognitivo, objetiva-se criar um espaço pra reflexão de como os criterios sobre verdade foram construídos históricamente, e inter-relacioná-los com elementos da pós-verdade e da desinformação. Metodologicamente, trata-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica. O caráter exploratório se dá justamente com o paralelo entre a temática e as fases do desenvolvimento cognitivo em Piaget. Por meio de uma reflexão histórico- epistemológica (...)
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    Análise do discurso.Mariana Rodrigues Gomes de Mello & Marta Lígia Pomim Valentim - 2021 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 7 (2):24-43.
    A linguagem é mais que a palavra escrita ou falada, é a direção do pensamento no contato com o contexto histórico-social no qual se está inserido. O discurso se apresenta enquanto mediação entre pessoas e realidades. A AD se apresenta como um constructo teórico-metodológico que possibilita averiguar construções ideológicas e efeitos de sentido do discurso em diferentes contextos, propiciando um olhar ampliado sobre a realidade. Objetiva-se inter-relacionar aspectos epistemológicos de Foucault e Heidegger, que possam servir como aportes ao método Análise (...)
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    Diálogos entre a informatika e a ciência da informação.Mariana Rodrigues Gomes de Mello & Daniel Martínez-Ávila - 2021 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 8 (1):61-76.
    De um lado a Ciência da Informação foi se consolidando no eixo occidental, a partir década de 1960, expandindo sua influência inteletual em países da America Latina, substuindo uma tradição francesa-europeia de Documentação, e como meio de controle ideológico e da informação; do outro surge uma proposta reativa do eixo comunista, a Informatika. Posto isto, pretende-se neste ensaio criar lugar pra reflexão acerca de alguns pontos em que a Informatika influenciou a Ciência da Informação ocidental, mais precisamente a estadunidense, sobretudo (...)
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  10. AI in Education and Intelligent Tutoring Systems-Intelligent Learning Objects: An Agent Approach to Create Reusable Intelligent Learning Environments with Learning Objects.Ricardo Azambuja Silveira, Eduardo Rodrigues Gomes & Rosa Viccari - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 17-26.
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    Sociedade disciplinar e sociedade de controle.Mariana Rodrigues Gomes de Mello, Ofélia Cristina Xavier de Andrade, Deise Maria Antonio Sabbag & Daniele Achilles Dutra da Rosa - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 8 (2):82-99.
    A partir do século XVIII, a imposição do controle das principais instituições políticas e sociais à população passa a ocorrer precipuamente por meio de estratégias urbanísticas. A arquitetura revela o objetivo de disciplinamento dos corpos de modo a prepará-los para a inserção na incipiente sociedade capitalista, seja na forma das escolas, fábricas ou prisões. Objetivamos num primeiro momento refletir, por meio da trajetória histórica e arquitetônica da Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Marília, se a biblioteca antiga tem preponderância de uma instituição (...)
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    Os missionários redentoristas alemães e as expectativas de progresso e modernização em Goiás.Robson Rodrigues Gomes Filho - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (50):944-948.
    Founded in 1732 in Scala by Afonso Maria de Liguori, the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer became one of the most important Catholic missionary congregations to work in Europe in the 19th century, both in the consolidation of ideals ultramontanos, as in the religious action with the faithful Catholics of the peripheries and rural areas. In Germany the Redemptorists experienced until the 1860s an intense moment of missionary activity and parochial care, especially in Bavaria, whereby they became especially known (...)
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  13. Theoretical-Epistemological Perspectives of Knowledge in the Global Era: A Conceptual Proposal.Jonathas Luiz Carvalho Silva, Maria Cleide Rodrigues Bernardino & Henriette Ferreira Gomes - 2017 - In Zlatan Delić, Epistemology and Transformation of Knowledge in Global Age. [No place]: IntechOpen.
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    Rizoma e a Figura Do Livro Na Informação Virtual e Desmaterializada.Richele Grenge Vignoli, Silvana Drumond Monteiro & Mariana Rodrigues Gomes de Mello - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (1):145-164.
    O rizoma é a proposta de um pensamento filosófico aplicado à informação virtual e, ao mesmo tempo, as realidades não contempladas na Ciência da Informação e na Organização do Conhecimento na desmaterialização de seu objeto. a pesquisa visa discutir a informação desmaterializada sob o conceito filosófico do rizoma e seus princípios na Ciência da Informação e na Organização do Conhecimento, assim, como a figura do livro. A discussão é perpetuada em aspectos críticos em que a Ciência da Informação e a (...)
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    Epistemologias, gênero e dogmatismo científico.Daniel Martínez-Ávila & Mariana Rodrigues Gomes de Mello - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9 (1):182-194.
    Há uma filosofia da diferença que precisa ser mais considerada nos nossos tempos, visto que se opõe à tradição filosófica identitária dos pré-socráticos à atualidade, que se apegou obstinadamente à ideia de identidade, que vislumbra o real, somente através da referência ao idêntico. Nessa perspectiva, os anseios e peculiaridades dos mais diversos movimentos sociais precisam ser ouvidos de modo mais efetivo pela filosofia e pela ciência. Mesmo nas ciências exatas, a teoria não é eterna, quanto mais nas sociais aplicadas, como (...)
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    Effects of Nicotine Gum Administration on Vision (ENIGMA-Vis): Study Protocol of a Double-Blind, Randomized, and Controlled Clinical Trial.Thiago P. Fernandes, Jeffery K. Hovis, Natalia Almeida, Jandirlly J. S. Souto, Thiago Augusto Bonifacio, Stephanye Rodrigues, Gabriella Medeiros Silva, Michael Oliveira Andrade, Jessica Bruna Silva, Giulliana H. Gomes, Milena Edite Oliveira, Eveline Holanda Lima, Maria Eduarda Gomes, Marcos V. A. Junior, Mariana Lopes Martins & Natanael A. Santos - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  17. De quem é a praça Gomes Freire?: As disputas simbólicas no espaço Jardim e as representações da imprensa de Mariana-MG.Cláudio Rodrigues Coração & Filipe Davison Barboza Carneiro - 2019 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 25 (1).
    Principal espaço público de Mariana-MG, a praça Gomes Freire – mais conhecida como Jardim – é frequentada por diferentes grupos sociais. Essa sociabilidade não se dá de forma totalmente harmônica, o que gera disputas simbólicas. A partir do entendimento de que deve ser preservado no Jardim seu caráter plural de convivência – mesmo na chave da tensionalidade – este artigo pretende investigar as representações sobre a praça através da mídia local, mais precisamente pelo jornal Ponto Final, já que a (...)
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  18.  26
    Foucault e a Educação.Maria Jordana de Brito Gomes - 2024 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 14 (28):37-52.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar as contribuições da estética da existência em Foucault para o âmbito da educação. Inicialmente será apresentado, em linhas gerais, os três domínios de sua produção teórica: Arqueologia do Saber, Genealogia do Poder e Estética da Existência. Posteriormente, será exposto mais profundamente a terceira fase de sua obra, destacando as ideias acerca do conceito do Cuidado de Si e a sua relação com o ambiente escolar e a formação docente. A estética da existência caracteriza-se (...)
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    A contribuição da literatura infantil no processo de construção da identidade étnico-racial na educação infantil.Denise Carvalho Dos Santos, Soraya Mendes Rodrigues Adorno & Izanete Marques Souza - 2021 - Odeere 6 (2):280-296.
    Este trabalho objetiva analisar a contribuição da literatura infantil no processo de construção da identidade étnico-racial na educação infantil e discutir as representações de crianças negras nas histórias infantis. Pretendeu-se também discutir a importância de se trabalhar literatura com temáticas voltadas às relações étnico-raciais na educação infantil. A metodologia utilizada foi a análise cultural das obras literárias infantis “Betina” e “Makeba vai à escola” a partir da revisão bibliográfica de autoras negras, como: Nilma Lino Gomes e Ana Fátima Cruz (...)
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    Cadernos de filosofia extravagante.António Telmo (ed.) - 2011 - Sintra: Zéfiro.
    CADERNOS DE FILOSOFIA EXTRAVAGANTE - ANTÓNIO TELMO Vários Autores Um dos sinais do Quinto Império é que ainda há andorinhas O provérbio diz que uma andorinha não faz a Primavera Mas eu acho que faz Enquanto houver um homem onde resida a espiritualidade há sempre um princípio do Quinto Império António Telmo Este terceiro volume dos Cadernos de Filosofia Extravagante é o primeiro que se publica após a partida de António Telmo, que os imaginou, concebeu e fundou Constitui por isso, (...)
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  21. Las tecnologías de información y su aplicabilidad en el proceso de reclutamiento y selección (Information Technologies and its applicability in the recruiting and selection process).Rosamaria Giacomelli Treviño - 2009 - Daena 4 (2):53-96.
  22.  12
    María Izquierdo: arte puro y mexicanidad.Nancy Deffebach & Rosamaría Graziani - 2018 - Co-herencia 15 (29):13-36.
    Este ensayo provee una visión general de la obra de la pintora mexicana María Izquierdo y ubica sus imágenes e ideas dentro de los debates sobre el rol del arte en la sociedad mexicana entre 1930 y 1950. En la primera década de su carrera ella estaba tangencialmente afiliada al grupo vanguardista literario conocido como los Contemporáneos, que abogaba por el arte puro. Después de 1939, cambió los temas y el estilo de su obra y enfatizó la mexicanidad, acercándose a (...)
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    Respiratory Variability, Sighing, Anxiety, and Breathing Symptoms in Low- and High-Anxious Music Students Before and After Performing.Amélie J. A. A. Guyon, Rosamaria Cannavò, Regina K. Studer, Horst Hildebrandt, Brigitta Danuser, Elke Vlemincx & Patrick Gomez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  24. Definability and Invariance.A. A. M. Rodrigues & N. C. A. da Costa - 2007 - Studia Logica 86 (1):1-30.
    In his thesis 'Para uma Teoria Geral dos Homomorfismos' (1944) the Portuguese mathematician José Sebastião e Silva constructed an abstract or generalized Galois theory, that is intimately linked to F. Klein’s Erlangen Program and that foreshadows some notions and results of today’s model theory; an analogous theory was independently worked out by M. Krasner in 1938. In this paper, we present a version of the theory making use of tools which were not at Silva’s disposal. At the same time, we (...)
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  25. Is Kant’s transcendental deduction of the categories fit for purpose?Anil Gomes - 2010 - Kantian Review 15 (2):118-137.
    James Van Cleve has argued that Kant’s Transcendental Deduction of the categories shows, at most, that we must apply the categories to experience. And this falls short of Kant’s aim, which is to show that they must so apply. In this discussion I argue that once we have noted the differences between the first and second editions of the Deduction, this objection is less telling. But Van Cleve’s objection can help illuminate the structure of the B Deduction, and it suggests (...)
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  26. The timing of conscious experience: A critical review and reinterpretation of Libet's research.Gilberto Gomes - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (4):559-595.
    An extended examination of Libet's works led to a comprehensive reinterpretation of his results. According to this reinterpretation, the Minimum Train Duration of electrical brain stimulation should be considered as the time needed to create a brain stimulus efficient for producing conscious sensation and not as a basis for inferring the latency for conscious sensation of peripheral origin. Latency for conscious sensation with brain stimulation may occurafterthe Minimum Train Duration. Backward masking with cortical stimuli suggests a 125-300 ms minimum value (...)
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  27. Kant on Perception: Naive Realism, Non-Conceptualism, and the B-Deduction.Anil Gomes - 2014 - Philosophical Quarterly 64 (254):1-19.
    According to non-conceptualist interpretations, Kant held that the application of concepts is not necessary for perceptual experience. Some have motivated non-conceptualism by noting the affinities between Kant's account of perception and contemporary relational theories of perception. In this paper I argue (i) that non-conceptualism cannot provide an account of the Transcendental Deduction and thus ought to be rejected; and (ii) that this has no bearing on the issue of whether Kant endorsed a relational account of perceptual experience.
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  28. Are necessary and sufficient conditions converse relations?Gilberto Gomes - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (3):375 – 387.
    Claims that necessary and sufficient conditions are not converse relations are discussed, as well as the related claim that If A, then B is not equivalent to A only if B . The analysis of alleged counterexamples has shown, among other things, how necessary and sufficient conditions should be understood, especially in the case of causal conditions, and the importance of distinguishing sufficient-cause conditionals from necessary-cause conditionals. It is concluded that necessary and sufficient conditions, adequately interpreted, are converse relations in (...)
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  29. More dead than dead? Attributing mentality to vegetative state patients.Anil Gomes, Matthew Parrott & Joshua Shepherd - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (1):84-95.
    In a recent paper, Gray, Knickman, and Wegner present three experiments which they take to show that people perceive patients in a persistent vegetative state to have less mentality than the dead. Following on from Gomes and Parrott, we provide evidence to show that participants' responses in the initial experiments are an artifact of the questions posed. Results from two experiments show that, once the questions have been clarified, people do not ascribe more mental capacity to the dead than (...)
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  30. Other minds and perceived identity.Anil Gomes - 2009 - Dialectica 63 (2):219-230.
    Quassim Cassam has recently defended a perceptual model of knowledge of other minds: one on which we can see and thereby know that another thinks and feels. In the course of defending this model, he addresses issues about our ability to think about other minds. I argue that his solution to this 'conceptual problem' does not work. A solution to the conceptual problem is necessary if we wish to explain knowledge of other minds.
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  31. McDowell’s disjunctivism and other minds.Anil Gomes - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (3):277-292.
    John McDowell’s original motivation of disjunctivism occurs in the context of a problem regarding other minds. Recent commentators have insisted that McDowell’s disjunctivism should be classed as an epistemological disjunctivism about epistemic warrant, and distinguished from the perceptual disjunctivism of Hinton, Snowdon and others. In this paper I investigate the relation between the problem of other minds and disjunctivism, and raise some questions for this interpretation of McDowell.
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  32. A construção de mitos e os usos do passado nacional: Vargas e Perón.Angela de Castro Gomes - 1997 - História 16:109-130.
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  33. Naïve Realism in Kantian Phrase.Anil Gomes - 2017 - Mind 126 (502):529-578.
    Early twentieth-century philosophers of perception presented their naïve realist views of perceptual experience in anti-Kantian terms. For they took naïve realism about perceptual experience to be incompatible with Kant’s claims about the way the understanding is necessarily involved in perceptual consciousness. This essay seeks to situate a naïve realist account of visual experience within a recognisably Kantian framework by arguing that a naïve realist account of visual experience is compatible with the claim that the understanding is necessarily involved in the (...)
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  34. On the Particularity of Experience.Anil Gomes & Craig French - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (2):451-460.
    Phenomenal particularism is the view that particular external objects are sometimes part of the phenomenal character of perceptual experience. It is a central part of naïve realist or relational views of perception. We consider a series of recent objections to phenomenal particularism and argue that naïve realism has the resources to block them. In particular, we show that these objections rest on assumptions about the nature of phenomenal character that the naïve realist will reject, and that they ignore the full (...)
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  35. Skepticism about Other Minds.Anil Gomes - 2018 - In Diego E. Machuca & Baron Reed, Skepticism: From Antiquity to the Present. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In this paper I distinguish two ways of raising a sceptical problem of others' minds: via a problem concerning the possibility of error or via a problem concerning sources of knowledge. I give some reason to think that the second problem raises a more interesting problem in accounting for our knowledge of others’ minds and consider proposed solutions to the problem.
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    A woman’s “right to know”? Forced ultrasound measures as an intervention of biopower.Sara Rodrigues - 2014 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 7 (1):51-73.
    This article examines the recent introduction of forced ultrasound-beforeabortion measures in select U.S. states as an intervention of gendered biopower. These measures are drafted based on model legislation entitled the Woman’s Right to Know Act. Such legislation exploits a discourse of women’s health, but invests in fetal “life” by regulating the behavior of pregnant women so as to promote the carrying of pregnancies to term; the legislation also represents childbirth and motherhood as in the interest of women’s health. Ultimately, I (...)
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  37. Kant and the Explanatory Role of Experience.Anil Gomes - 2013 - Kant Studien 104 (3):277-300.
    We are able to think of empirical objects as capable of existing unperceived. What explains our grasp of this conception of objects? In this paper I examine the claim that experience explains our understanding of objects as capable of existing unperceived with reference to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. I argue that standard accounts of experience’s explanatory role are unsatisfactory, but that an alternative account can be extracted from the first Critique – one which relies on Kant’s transcendental idealism.
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  38. Chapter Six Recognising Non-Western Thought in Human Rights Theory Maria Rodrigues.Maria Rodrigues - 2007 - In Julie Connolly, Michael Leach & Lucas Walsh, Recognition in politics: theory, policy and practice. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 101.
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    Is Environmental Governance Substantive or Symbolic? An Empirical Investigation.Michelle Rodrigue, Michel Magnan & Charles H. Cho - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (1):107-129.
    The emergence of environmental governance practices raises a fundamental question as to whether they are substantive or symbolic. Toward that end, we analyze the relationship between a firm’s environmental governance and its environmental management as reflected in its ultimate outcome, environmental performance. We posit that substantive practices would bring changes in organizations, most notably in terms of improved environmental performance, whereas symbolic practices would portray organizations as environmentally committed without making meaningful changes to their operations. Focusing on a sample of (...)
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  40. Kant, the Philosophy of Mind, and Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy.Anil Gomes - 2017 - In Andrew Stephenson & Anil Gomes, Kant and the Philosophy of Mind: Perception, Reason, and the Self. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    In the first part of this chapter, I summarise some of the issues in the philosophy of mind which are addressed in Kant’s Critical writings. In the second part, I chart some of the ways in which that discussion influenced twentieth-century analytic philosophy of mind and identify some of the themes which characterise Kantian approaches in the philosophy of mind.
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  41. Testimony and Other Minds.Anil Gomes - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (1):173-183.
    In this paper I defend the claim that testimony can serve as a basic source of knowledge of other people’s mental lives against the objection that testimonial knowledge presupposes knowledge of other people’s mental lives and therefore can’t be used to explain it.
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  42. Perception and reflection.Anil Gomes - 2017 - Philosophical Perspectives 31 (1):131-152.
    What method should we use to determine the nature of perceptual experience? My focus here is the Kantian thought that transcendental arguments can be used to determine the nature of perceptual experience. I set out a dilemma for the use of transcendental arguments in the philosophy of perception, one which turns on a comparison ofthe transcendental method with the first-personal method of early analytic philosophy, and with the empirical methods of much contemporary philosophy of mind. The transcendental method can avoid (...)
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  43. There are no good objections to substance dualism.José Gusmão Rodrigues - 2014 - Philosophy 89 (2):199-222.
    This article aims to review the standard objections to dualism and to argue that will either fail to convince someone committed to dualism or are flawed on independent grounds. I begin by presenting the taxonomy of metaphysical positions on concrete particulars as they relate to the dispute between materialists and dualists, and in particular substance dualism is defined. In the first section, several kinds of substance dualism are distinguished and the relevant varieties of this kind of dualism are selected. The (...)
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  44. Problems in the timing of conscious experience.Gilberto Gomes - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):191-97.
    Libet's (2000) arguments in defense of his interpretation of his experimental results are insufficient. The claims of my critical review (Gomes, 2008) do not suffer with his new statements.
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  45. The Brain-Consciousness Problem.A. O. Gome - 1966 - In John C. Eccles, Brain and Conscious Experience: Study Week September 28 to October 4, 1964, of the Pontificia Academia Scientiarum. New York,: Springer. pp. 446.
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  46. Towards the emergence of meaning processes in computers from Peircean semiotics.Antônio Gomes, Ricardo Gudwin, Charbel Niño El-Hani & João Queiroz - 2007 - Mind and Society 6 (2):173-187.
    In this work, we propose a computational approach to the triadic model of Peircean semiosis (meaning processes). We investigate theoretical constraints about the feasibility of simulated semiosis. These constraints, which are basic requirements for the simulation of semiosis, refer to the synthesis of irreducible triadic relations (Sign–Object–Interpretant). We examine the internal organization of the triad S–O–I, that is, the relative position of its elements and how they relate to each other. We also suggest a multi-level approach based on self-organization principles. (...)
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  47.  51
    Semi-classical Locality for the Non-relativistic Path Integral in Configuration Space.Henrique Gomes - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (9):1155-1184.
    In an accompanying paper Gomes, we have put forward an interpretation of quantum mechanics based on a non-relativistic, Lagrangian 3+1 formalism of a closed Universe M, existing on timeless configuration space \ of some field over M. However, not much was said there about the role of locality, which was not assumed. This paper is an attempt to fill that gap. Locality in full can only emerge dynamically, and is not postulated. This new understanding of locality is based solely (...)
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  48. Iris Murdoch on Art, Ethics, and Attention.Anil Gomes - 2013 - British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (3):321-337.
    Can the experience of great art play a role in our coming to understand the ethical framework of another person? In this article I draw out three themes from Iris Murdoch’s ‘The Sovereignty of Good’ in order to show the role that communal attention to works of art can play in our ethical lives. I situate this role in the context of Murdoch’s wider philosophical views.
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    Sob o sol de satã no interior mineiro: Fé e Liberdade em Bernanos.Káthia Silva Gomes - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (36):1412-1414.
    Dissertação: GOMES, Káthia Silva. Sob o sol de satã no interior mineiro: Fé e Liberdade em Bernanos. 2014. Dissertação – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Belo Horizonte.
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  50. Goldie on the virtues of art.Anil Gomes - 2009 - British Journal of Aesthetics 49 (1):75-81.
    Peter Goldie has argued for a virtue theory of art, analogous to a virtue theory of ethics, one in which the skills and dispositions involved in the production and appreciation of art are virtues and not simply mere skills. In this note I highlight a link between the appreciation of art and its production, and explore the implications of such a link for a virtue theory of art.
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